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We are Flux ✌️

We exist to make the topic of money accessible and fun for all Australians.

Remember all those classes in school that taught you how to plan for your financial future?

Yeah... neither do we.

So, it won't surprise you that 1 in 2 Australian adults struggle with basic financial literacy

(that's almost 10 million Aussies of all ages and backgrounds!)

What's financial literacy?

We're talking 



investing, insurance, superannuation

... all that fun stuff.

It's a big problem that needs an even BIGGER solution.

And that's where Flux comes in.

We cut the complexity to make sure that you can win at money.

Making the topic of money accessible

Image of Flux founders: Justin, Brett and Gusan arrow an arrowan arrow

Meet our founders 🔧

Three school friends, two cousins, one mission. Flux makes the topic of money and finance digestible and entertaining - so you can make great decisions and win at money.